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Spring is the king of SEASON. In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna reveals his predominant attributes in the eleventh chapter: “I am the soul in the body, the mind in the senses, the Eagle among the bird, the Lion among animals. I am scared Bodhi tree among the trees, and of the season, I am SPRING”

In the spring Mother Earth wakes up and causes sprouting, energy moves up, and everything is blooming and flowering, full of colors and greenery. People feel energetic and love to go outdoors. It is the season of celebration

The qualities of spring are warm moist gentle and unctuous. Due to the warmth, the accumulated snow and ice of winter begin to melt. Similarly, accumulated Kapha in the body starts liquefying and running. This is why so many people get spring colds and allergies.

A spring detox, as advocated by Ayurveda’s seasonal routine (ritucharya), can help rejuvenate your energy and cleanse your system.

Here’s a holistic home plan for a thorough spring detox, incorporating diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbal supplements to facilitate the elimination of toxins:

1. Adopt a Detoxifying Diet

The transition from the heavy, rich foods of winter to a lighter, detoxifying diet to help loosen and eliminate built-up ama.

2. Embrace a Restful Lifestyle

Support your body’s detox process by allowing more time for rest and avoiding strenuous activities.

3. Be Mindful of Food Combinations

Certain food combinations can be particularly disruptive and lead to toxin formation.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can effectively cleanse your body this spring, paving the way for improved health and vitality according to Ayurvedic principles.

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